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The Story of

Monsters By C

who am i?


I'm Caroline, the designer and seamstress behind all the creations. 

Some facts about me 

  • 28 years old

  • Somewhat perfectionist

  • Dog mom of Max

  • Passionate about fabrics and sewing 

  • Moved from Wallonia to the seaside a few years ago

  • Love making puzzles, cooking/baking, plants, thrillers, pancakes, tea, sewing clothes and the sun 

  • Chronic fatigue fighter / Autistic asperger / adhd


how it started?


I learned sewing by myself, since my 12 years old. It all started when I wanted to create my own plush toys that would decorate and brighten up my room. I  wanted them to be different and unique. 

A few years ago when I got sick and had some free time on my hands, I picked up my hobby and created a whole collections of little monsters and animals in soft and colourful fabrics. Now I have my own sewing studio and care a lot about creating unique things you can't find at every corner of the streets, and personalising them for you. 

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